Wide Field Camera 3
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Posted by Vytautas Straizys on July 06, 1999 at 10:22:33:

J. MacKenty, WFC3 Deputy Instrument Scientist
R. O'Connell, Chair, WFC3 Scientific Oversight Committee

Dear colleagues,

One of the most important purposes of the WFC3 is a possibility of
determining temperatures, luminosities, metallicities and peculiarity
types for very faint stars affected by various amounts of interstellar
reddening, inaccessible for the surface telescopes.

For this aim, a photometric system capable to classify all types of
stars in the presence of interstellar reddening is essential. Such a
system is the Stromvil system described by Straizys, Crawford
& Philip (1996), Straizys & Hoeg (1995), Straizys, Hoeg & Philip (1997)
and Straizys (1999). The system consists of 7 passbands of medium width
(20-40 nm) with the following mean wavelengths:
Designation   Mean lambda  Half-width    Spectral feature
     u          350 nm      30 nm       Ultraviolet intensity

     P          374 nm      26 nm       Crowding of Balmer lines

     v          411 nm      19 nm       Intensity before the Balmer jump

     b          467 nm      18 nm       Break-point of the interstellar
                                        extinction law

     Z          516 nm      21 nm       Absorption by Mg I triplet lines
                                        and MgH band

     y          547 nm      23 nm       Standard continuum magnitude

     S          656 nm      20 nm       H alpha line

This system makes possible to identify completely photometrically in the
presence of interstellar reddening the following types of stars:
(1) O-B-A-F-G-K-M stars of various luminosities of solar metallicity,
(2) metal-deficient F-G-K subdwarfs, (3) metal-deficient G-K giants,
(4) chemically peculiar B-A stars, (5) emission-line stars,
(6) carbon-rich stars, (7) white dwarfs, (8) many types of unresolved
binaries.  If color indices in the Stromvil system are measured with
the accuracy of +/- 0.01 mag, then the following accuracy of the
determined parameters is expected with the available calibration:

-- spectral class: +/- 0.8 decimal subclass,
-- temperature: from +/- 2000 K for hot stars to +/- 200 K for cool
-- absolute magnitude: +/- 0.4--0.6 mag for luminosity V--III stars,
                       +/- 0.8--0.9 mag for supergiants,
-- surface gravity log g: +/- (0.2--0.5) dex,
-- metallicity [Fe/H]: +/- (0.15--0.20) dex,
-- color excess E(B-V): +/- (0.02--0.03) mag,
-- interstellar extinction A(V): +/- 0.1 mag.

The classification accuracy in various places of the HR diagram is shown
by Straizys et al. (1998).

Three passbands of the Stromvil system, namely v,b and y can be set up
by the filters F410M, F467M and F547M present in the WFC3 Strawman list.
The filter F336W is suitable to be used instead of the Stromvil u
filter.  Additionally, we suggest to place in the WFC3 the following
three filters:  P at 374 nm, Z at 516 nm and S at 656 nm.  The
justification of these filters is given below:

The filter P at 374 nm (with a half-width of about 30 nm) will measure
the integrated effect of crowding of higher members of the Balmer lines
near the Balmer limit.  The resulting P magnitude is very sensitive to
luminosity for B-A-F type stars.

The filter Z at 516 nm (with a half-width of about 20-25 nm) is placed
on a wide and deep absorption feature in the spectra of G-K-M stars made
by a crowding of metallic lines, of which the Mg I triplet is the
strongest. Additionally, in K and M dwarfs the Z passband contains
strong MgH molecular bands. Both the Mg I lines and MgH bands show
strong negative luminosity effect, making color indices, containing the
Z magnitude, to be luminosity discriminants for G, K and M-stars.

The filter S is placed on the H alpha line and for all types of stars it
indicates the presence of emission in this line. This makes possible to
identify Be, Herbig Ae/Be, T Tauri, WR and other emission-line stars.

The Stromgren system uvby which is planned to set up in the WFC3 without
the P, Z and S filters will not be able to classify late-type stars and
to identify peculiar stars in the presence of interstellar reddening.
The accomplishment of the complete seven-color system will help to
classify photometrically very faint and reddened stars both in our
Galaxy and in other nearby galaxies.


Straizys V. 1999, Baltic Astronomy, 8, 109

Straizys V., Crawford D.L., Philip A.G.D. 1996, Baltic Astronomy, 5, 83

Straizys V., Hoeg E. 1995, in Proceed. of RGO-ESA Workshop on Future
Possibilities for Astrometry in Space, Cambridge, ESA SP-379, p. 191

Straizys V., Hoeg E., Philip A.G.D. 1997, in Proceed. ESA Symposium
Hipparcos-Venice '97, ESA SP-402, p. 761

Straizys V., Liubertas R., Lazauskaite R. 1998, Baltic Astronomy, 7, 529

V. Straizys
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
Gostauto 12, Vilnius 2600

email: straizys@itpa.lt