Posted by Susan Stolovy on July 06, 1999 at 10:29:08:
At the risk of stating the obvious, it is crucial that appropriate narrowband continuum filters are chosen to match each spectral line filter (e.g. F190N with F187N for Paschen Alpha in NICMOS). Trying to extrapolate the continuum from medium-band or wide-band filters is really unsatisfactory. This is especially true when trying to extract information near the diffraction patterns of stellar images and where assumptions about the spectral index of the continuum may be incorrect (e.g. if there are small-scale variations in extinction). It looks like the IR filter list currently on the web ( does not list the desired continuum filters. It's important, of course, that the continuum filters avoid contamination from other lines. Ideally, you'd want continuum filters of similar transmission properties on both blue and red ends of the line filter, but probably that is too much too ask. Just my 2-cents' worth. Cheers, Susan Stolovy