Why the name? The “charge-coupled” part refers
to the fact that the device works by moving, or “coupling”,
charges between two adjacent locations.
For small numbers of pixels, one can imagine connecting
up the wires for each silicon pixel, and then recording
the intensity (e.g., sensing whether the Sun is out or
not). However, even for very basic digital cameras today,
there are over 1,000,000 (one million) pixels (a mega-pixel).
Clearly, the number of wires would be very large, and
makes this impractical. Several schemes have evolved to
solve this problem to make the low-cost devices we are
so fond of. One very popular solution, invented in the
1960’s, is the charge-coupled device or CCD.
In a CCD, a set of charges is generated by the silicon
in a grid, and held in place using a set of electrodes
at particular voltages that “fix” the charges
at the intended pixel locations. This works on the principle
that the photoelectrons have negative charge, so they
are attracted to positive voltages, and repelled from
negative voltages. If the electrodes are placed so that
a pixel is surrounded by a negative voltage, then the
photoelectrons will accumulate in the middle of the pixel.
After collection, these sets of photoelectrons need to
be measured so that we know how many photoelectrons ended
up in each pixel. A CCD does this by manipulating the
voltage in the electrodes to “march” the photoelectrons
in the pixels out to a corner of the image. Then, by looking
at the amounts of charge in the pixels after they arrive
at the corner, we can reconstruct what the image looked
like. Thus, it allows us to read the entire image out
by looking at just one set of wires connected to the corner.
The electrical signal on this wire changes with time to
reflect the sequence in which the charges are “marched”
out of the CCD. This process of moving charge from one
pixel location to an adjacent one is often compared to
a water “bucket brigade”.
By manipulating the voltages, we make the parallel registers
shift once, to move a line of charges into the serial
register. The serial register is then shifted however
many times it takes to move the line of charges to a corner.
At the corner, there is an electrical circuit (“read-out
amplifier”) that converts the charge into a voltage
that can be fed to some electronics for further processing
(such as feeding into a computer). By repeating the parallel
register shifts, we can read out the entire CCD.
This is the simplest form a CCD can take. There are now
many fancy variations in the read-out method, including
having multiple read-out amplifiers, having adjacent pixels
sense different colors, etc.